
about ravenousravishing

I'm Ravenousravishing, and this is my website :)

I'm a writer-- hobbyist, that is-- who likes to play in the sandboxes of different settings. I love creating OCs, and my fanfiction often centers around them. You'll find a lot of OC/Canon in my writing.

I love exploring the different ways people interact with canon settings. Saying this, note that I don't adhere strictly to canon compliance. It's pretty common for me to branch off from canon to fiddle with my own ideas.

I'm somewhat active on Tumblr, which is linked in the sidebar. Though my Tumblr is primarily for reblogging fun stuff, i do talk about my writing and personal life occasionally. I won't be doing that here; this website is purely to archive my writing.

I upload all my fics to Archive of Our Own [also in sidebar]. They're uploaded here later, as backup. And just for the hell of it.

If the social media collapses and you want to get in touch, and this website is still up, you can email me at ravenousravishing@gmail.com. Just don't be weird, please.